Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Linky and just a little note
I am doing well - have finished my socks for me and have recuperated from flooding hell as my bro's and parents arrived to help with the front yard, shed and porch roof.
The renovations are scheduled to be done this year sometime....but primer has been put up.
We've already had snowstorms and negative Celsius weather and the drive home that took an hour, so we are well into the winter weather - however it is not yet winter and most of the snow is melting (come on snow melt).
I hope to return to regularly scheduled blogging with pictures after I buy myself a camera that works...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Still alive, but kind of sloshing...
Do you want to know what's going on?
If not, I recommend not reading any further.
I am Iron Deficient - had this with my second pregnancy but other than that considered myself fine. My iron read 5 on a scale of like 13 to over 100. Not so good. So I am taking an iron supplement and being a little more careful of what I eat. It was a relief to find out as I have been sort of off for a couple of months and had similar issues last spring - I just put it down to stress and allergies and wrote it off, but now there is something that I can work towards. I already feel better - we don't count PMS as that is a well, life. It is not diet based, but likely female based, so I may need to work on this for awhile - lots of tests and doctor appointments.
Gurlz - are good. I mean they are 7 and 3, so they are never perfect, however with the recent time change we are all getting up rested and on time and out of the door reasonably. They were very negatively affected by my iron issues as I had little control of my attitude, minimal energy and no patience. Again - definitely seeing an improvement, but also working to correct myself.
Norah is toilet trained - some accidents occur, but that is normal and except for the fact that my carpet was involved this morning, I am pretty good with it.
We won't discuss her attempt to dive? tumble? totally freak her mother out? this evening as she fell down 8 stairs while I was dealing with the sloshing in my home.
Sloshing? well -
Monday I washed some 'accident laundry' and when I went to empty the washer, the basement floor was wet. Checked the sewer line - running smooth, so must be internal - plunged and sprayed and plunged. pulled hair balls out of 2 drains. also mopped.
Tuesday - bathroom sink (plunged and plunged and baking soda vinegared night before) will not drain. I did what I swore I would never do, however the bottle was there and not empty (purchased prior to notification of issues) I poured an entire bottle of Draino Max down the drain - obviously a bad clog as hairballs were not there - and it did not drain the sink until at least 10 minutes had passed. Went back and ran hot water. Sink fills up and up and up. Ignored bottle which stated do not plunge and plunged - sink was full of water and therefore, nothing would be splashing me in face - and after about a minute, sink drained - with gurgle pop ... Ran hot water at least another minute - down all sinks. Things appear good on this front.
Wednesday - come home, just after five o'clock as children good with time change, we all happy, going to make supper (after I pee) and ....
I step in a puddle. In the middle of my kitchen floor. The ceiling has many wet spots. Puddle on counter. Fetch tenant praying she spilled something - no she didn't. Evaluate situation. Visit basement - find puddle there (far from drain of Monday night). Send Norah away from dangerous situation, call current contractor (who has not been around for a bit due to other obligations) and as state - No. I'm not joking, there is a puddle in my kitchen. Norah falls down stairs - lands on foam play mats I laid there to keep feet warm. (that was a good thing). I throw phone at tenant/her boy toy and scoop up my baby and fly up stairs. She is crying but fine. Praise the Lord for the bouncability of children. Ponder why shoe rack that is in alcove, also fell with her, try not to whine about squelching tights and puddles.
Put video on for kids, feed them cheesesticks, chips and cucumber as boiled eggs and lovely salad is not an option as ceiling light/fan in kitchen is making electrical water sounds. Don't cry. Go Pee (finally) change pretty skirt and sodden tights for comfy pants and sweater. Wander semi aimlessly until Ivan shows up. Wait for him to figure it out - the rubber ring on the overflow drain for the new tub is loose/dislocated/ LEAKING. i don't blame him. I don't blame Tammy. Although she accepts the blame - this isn't the first bath and it is the first leak. Ergo - fault of no-one. Argue with Ivan about fact that water and electricity do not mix and it is not good to have light on in kitchen. He tries to remove, but previous owner installed/had installed light and therefore like everything, it is not possible. He will come tomorrow to figure out.
Drink wine mixed with orange juice to calm my nerves. Call mommy. Mother my gurlz (homework, baths, cream on eczema, read stories, snuggle, tuck in bed) Read blogs. Vent on blog.
Knit on my mindless self patterning socks with gift yarn from parents. marvel over fact that don't match and I don't care.
Go pee again.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
once a week posting....Controlling the Clutter
Blithe - except for the blocking;
Monica - except for the ends and blocking;
sots III - except for the ends and blocking;
Moeibus - except for the seam and blocking;
Ascot scarf - except for the trim, ends and blocking.
I am sensing a slight trend here....
I have started:
Ascot scarf mentioned above - now complete (black)
Triangle scarf/wrap for me - black
Qiviut scarf for Mom - black.
And I finally wore my Grasshopper scarf today, but plan to block before wearing again.
Also awaiting blocking - sots I.
And my grasshopper head wrap is waiting on a button and Megan's pop scarf is waiting embellishment...
Can anyone tell where I have issues?
On the purchasing front - I have purchased only the current magazine issues for Interweave Knits, and Vogue Knits along with a new magazine called Living Craft. The gurls have received some new DVDs - and me too, but that is entertainment and...
I didn't do too bad and got rid of a number of unnecessary items this past month. I am going to work on this for the next month also, however I do need to purchase some fibre products for a swap I am involved in, so...I will be purchasing some yarn/fibrey goodness this week.
Anyone have some Merino/Tencel roving in manly colours?!?!??
I did pretty well considering we had to buy some pants for the big gurl as she grew a bit, but all in all
Monday, October 6, 2008
A little of this and that
Blithe is mostly complete- straps to do yet.
Sots iii - I am on the first of the decrease rows.
Everything else, is on the back burner.
But this past weekend was filled with housecleaning, furnace turning on, yardwork, curtain hanging, partying and life. So that is good too.
New yarn was acquired from my parent's trip to Holland. Regia - 4-FACH HALTBAR, in 4-faidg Jacquard Color # 5241. 2 skeins. Thanks Mom and Dad.
I am home for the fifth or sixth Monday in a row - Megan had too much fun this weekend and is all done in. Either that or she's coming down with something again. We are not going on vacation until after April 1, 2009 now.... (used up all my family days from work and am eating into vacation time now.... C'est la vie.
My tenant was able to use her bathtub on Friday - just like was promised. Imagine that - a contractor that lives up to his promises. I am going to ask him to give me a quote on my bathroom, my front door and her kitchen. Of course, I am also going to start playing the lottery now. Worth every penny he is though.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
A week and a half and what to show for it...
The stupid dumb contractor has been fired. After I spend a weekend trying to find a mint condition FREE clawfoot tub cause the one I bought 5 weeks ago wasn't going to fit and .... this of course from the guy who said he would be basically done in 2 weeks. A new guy starts tomorrow - he says a week and she will be able to use her tub again.
If you don't hear from me for some time after today, you know the second floor collapsed onto the first and then all the way to the basement (the yarn stash is a good distance from the work area).
For some winter knitting inspiration, go see some of Monica's FO's. I'm not sure when I can cast the first one on... and I am in total agreement with her ravelry comment. If it is only available on ravelry, great, but if not, GO TO THE SOURCE folks. (I only linked to Monica, cause her pics of FOs are inspiration enough.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Spending Money
Anyways - $100 later I get my prescription. OUCH.
Saturday was little gurlz dance - returned her $31.44 dance bodysuit cause she fits her sister's. Then went to get running shoes for big gurl - took no time, only one pair of shoes in hand and the girl says: If you buy two or more you get 40% off. Even if it's a $2 pair. I had to think. I do need another pair for work. So I went back to the shoes I had drooled over but put back cause they were $30 (discount shoe place - you get what sizes are there, believe me I tried on a large number). And I go up to the counter with $20 running shoes and $30 brown suede loafers. She rings it in - it comes to $31.43. No kidding here. Then I returned an unnecessary item to Canadian Tire, putting me up a little bit once again. (forget what it cost)
Of course I then had to go get a second bodysuit at Zellers (but I did return something that didn't fit me), along with a few other necessities - batteries for camera (if they had had the dishwasher in stock it would be in my kitchen now cause I burned my hand cooking breakfast that morning and tried to potato peel my finger during dishes). We also went out for lunch.
Sunday - donations for church DON'T count. But I did return $40 of stuff to Home Depot, so that was good. Sunday night I had a financial nervous breakdown and cut up all my credit cards, reduced the limit on my MasterCard (cut up, but info retained for things like booking stuff online and maybe a little yarn....) But no regular shopping on it anymore. If the cash ain't there, no spend it.
Monday - I was sick at home, spent nothing. Did however get some money from big gurl's Dad - we worked through some of our issues - meltdown the previous night had me going to, well does it make sense to call him my best non-female, semi-platonic, but intrinsically involved friend? I think that would be a good description. Anyways, he is going to work on his support paying habits for me.
Tuesday - paid the Gas bill.
Wednesday - (see above) Payday.
On the knitting front: I finished hint number 5 on SOTS iii. Love this pattern.
My February Lady's Sweater is restarted - went to the large size as the neckline was not working for me. I am still working on the increases for the yoke.
I started Blythe for little gurl. Am 4 inches into the bodice and, well I guess going down .5 mm makes a big difference (especially if yarn is a little thinner weight too) I may cast on for Monica in the round for her as it is just stockinette. Am still going to work on Blythe as love the pattern, but maybe my niece will be getting it instead.
That's it for now.
Monday, September 15, 2008
So, here are the rules:
A) Go to musicoutfitters.com
B) Enter the year you graduated from high school in the search function and get the list of 100 most popular songs of that year
C) Bold the songs you like, strike through the ones you hate and underline or italicize your favorite(s). Do nothing to the ones you don’t remember (or don’t care about) I italicized the ones that are such fun.
1. I Will Always Love You, Whitney Houston
2. Whoomp! (There It Is), Tag Team
3. Can't Help Falling In Love, UB40
4. That's The Way Love Goes, Janet Jackson
5. Freak, Silk
6. Weak, SWV
7. If I Ever Fall In Love, Shai
8. Dreamlover, Mariah Carey
9. Rump Shaker, Wreckx-N-Effect
10. Informer, Snow
11. Nuthin' But A "G" Thang, Dr. Dre
12. In The Still Of The Nite, Boyz II Men
13. Don't Walk Away, Jade
14. Knockin' Da Boots, H-Town
15. Lately, Jodeci
16. Dazzey Duks, Duice
17. Show Me Love, Robin S.
18. A Whole New World, Peabo Bryson and Regina Belle
19. If, Janet Jackson
20. I'm So Into You, SWV
21. Love Is, Vanessa Willlams and Brian Mcknight
22. Runaway Train, Soul Asylum
23. I'll Never Get Over You (Getting Over Me), Expose
24. Ditty, Paperboy
25. Rhythm Is A Dancer, Snap
26. The River Of Dreams, Billy Joel2
7. I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles), Proclaimers2
8. Two Princes, Spin Doctors
29. Right Here (Human Nature)-Downtown, SWV
30. I Have Nothing, Whitney Houston
31. Mr. Wendal, Arrested Development
32. Have I Told You Lately, Rod Stewart
33. Saving Forever For You, Shanice
34. Ordinary World, Duran Duran
35. If I Had No Loot, Tony! Toni! Tone!
36. I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That), Meat Loaf
37. Slam, Onyx
38. Looking Through Patient Eyes, P.M. Dawn
39. I'm Every Woman, Whitney Houston
40. Baby I'm Yours, Shai
41. Come Undone, Duran Duran
42. I Don't Wanna Fight, Tina Turner
43. I'd Die Without You, P.M. Dawn
44. Whoot, There It Is, 95 South
45. Hip Hop Hooray, Naughty By Nature
46. Another Sad Love Song, Toni Braxton
47. Will You Be There, Michael Jackson
48. Comforter, Shil
49. Good Enough, Bobby Brown5
0. What's Up, 4 Non Blondes
51. All That She Wants, Ace Of Base
52. 7, Prince and The New Power Generation
53. Dre Day, Dr. Dre
54. One Last Cry, Brian McKnight
55. Just Kickin' It, Xscape
56. I Get Around, 2Pac
57. Bed Of Roses, Bon Jovi
58. Real Love, Mary J. Blige
59. Here We Go Again!, Portrait
60. Cryin', Aerosmith
61. Cats In The Cradle, Ugly Kid Joe
62. What About Your Friends, TLC
63. I Got A Man, Positive K
64. Hey Mr. D.J., Zhane
65. Insane In The Brain, Cypress Hill
66. Deeper And Deeper, Madonna
67. Rain, Madonna
68. The Right Kind Of Love, Jeremy Jordan
69. Bad Boys, Inner Circle
70. That's What Love Can Do, Boy Krazy
71. Do You Believe In Us, Jon Secada
72. Angel, Jon Secada
73. Forever In Love, Kenny G
74. Again, Janet Jackson
75. Boom! Shake The Room, DJ Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince
76. When She Cries, Restless Heart
77. Sweat (A La La La La Long), Inner Circle
78. It Was A Good Day, Ice Cube
79. More And More, Captain Hollywood Project
80. How Do You Talk To An Angel, Heights
81. Rebirth Of Slick (Cool Like Dat), Digable Planets
82. What Is Love, Haddaway
83. To Love Somebody, Michael Bolton
84. Give It Up, Turn It Loose, En Vogue
85. Alright, Kris Kross
86. Check Yo Self, Ice Cube
87. Fields Of Gold, Sting
88. Ooh Child, Dino
89. Faithful w/ Go West
90. Reason To Believe, Rod Stewart
91. Break It Down Again, Tears For Fears
92. Nothin' My Love Can't Fix, Joey Lawrence
93. Three Little Pigs, Green Jelly
94. Livin' On The Edge, Aerosmith
95. Hey Jealousy, Gin Blossoms
96. If I Ever Lose My Faith In You, Sting
97. Anniversary, Tony! Toni! Tone!
98. One Woman, Jade
99. Can't Get Enough Of Your Love, Taylor Dayne
100. Two Steps Behind, Def Leppard
A little bit of FREE fun - and wow i didn't know why I loved some of these songs, but now I do.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Money spent today - 2 paycheques
Of that I purchased veggies and fruit (ten dollars) and a bag of chips to round out the last of the homemade soup. Dance necessities - $270 - two pairs of shoes per child... one bodysuit and tights. Of course the dance classes themselves - priceless - hahahahahaha. It will be worth it. And the other pay cheque - renovations of course. But they are moving along.
(yesterday was a coffee cause work was freezing and food at knit night - less than $20.)
In knitting land - the sots iii is 2 rows from completion of hint 4. Tomorrow is #5 and that means I will move over the halfway mark - #4 will be completed before I slumber this evening.
My prayers are with all the people sent scurrying from Ike - obey the people in charge and well, hide from the elements.
Have a great night.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Day 1
The only hard part about today was that some potato chips made their way to the vending machine and I wanted some. Other than that I had no desire to spend unnecessary funds.
This need to control means I will not be going to the Knitters Fair. I had already kind of decided, but this really ensures that I won't.
I do have to sign the gurlz up for dance and that will be necessary spending. But a mother must do that sometimes.
Oh and our thanksgiving is October 13th this year so the worst thing I have to get through is little gurlz 3 birthday.
It's still really early though....
Monday, September 8, 2008
I'm going to try this...
Controlling the Clutter, the need to spend, the just one more is all I need.
The Rules of Control the Clutter...
1. Every single time I lay out money for ANYTHING I will ask, do I NEED this. If the answer is no, there will be no purchase.
2. Food is OK. But candy is not. And "extras" like Starbucks, Jamba, and eating out will be seriously examined.
3. No cosmetics, clothes, or office supplies.
4. Especially... NO YARN!!!
5. Use what I have. No need to buy more just because of nice packaging, pretty colors, or any other marketing trick.
The goal is to do this for the age I will be this year - 33 days. So it starts tomorrow and goes until Thanksgiving?!?!? (tomorrow cause I already baought something I didn't need today and I need to check on a pattern I am looking for ;) I will try to swap for it though...
Thursday, September 4, 2008
September happenings

Hopefully the picture pulls up bigger when the post is sent.
talk later
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Has anyone seen August?
I am sick with a yucky allergic cold. Little gurl popped a temperature yesterday, freaking me out, but at last check (about an hour ago) has been temp free for about 7 hours. She has the sniffles too though so I am hoping it's a cold.
Big gurl's great grandmother (Dad's Nan) died last Friday and Wednesday and Thursday of this week were very busy with visitations and funeral stuff. I suspect that the flowers in the funeral home were one of my allergy triggers, but have really felt lousy since about, well Monday.
I finished the first hint for sots iii - and have made some headway into the second one.
Today was spent resting, buying groceries and catching up on some of the housework and laundry. It's slow going with little gurl being a bit clingy.
One thing reaffirmed for me this week is that I should have worked harder to keep big gurl's father and although he helps out, I was lucky to escape from little gurl's father. That being said, I love both gurls, it's just their dad's who have some mental issues (I CAN SAY THIS - I KNOW I HAVE MENTAL ISSUES!!!)
I love the new Vogue knitting and Interweave Knits and am already trying to figure out if there is enough stash yarn to complete some of them. I don't have the foggiest clue when I will get time to do that knitting.
Talk to you later.
Monday, August 11, 2008
FO and a prize
I won a prize. Not a blog prize, but an online prize.
The Old Mill Knitting Contest. Every month they post their contest- little fanfare or warning and you enter and then on with your life. Saturday afternoon, I was catching up on my emails and stuff and wasn't quite done playing, so I hit some of my different yarn store links. One was the Old Mill and their contest was posted, so I entered. And I won!!! As I can't win for another year, I suggest you haunt their site for September's contest. I am going to receive Naturally Aspire DK (which looks like a single ply like malabrigo) with a coordinating pattern. I AM SO EXCITED. This really made my day, as we have to rip down another wall before we can proceed with the bathroom and that means another 100$$ at least in materials. argh.
Oh and for some totally awesome designs - go check out Jacquelyn Landry. Got to get me some of that curves.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
WIP'in it along and a little bit of this
I, wait for it here, finished my stole. sots i - Guinevere - is complete. Ends are not woven in and blocking not done, but the knittin' part is complete. I finished it Thursday night - and wrapped it around the big gurl - looked great. Never thought to take a picture. Considering that sots iii starts mid August, and sots ii has only 6 rows done... just in time as far as I'm concerned.
Whenever it gets blocked, there will be pictures. Truly.
I am working on a gift for my Ravelry Swap on a Budget pal, and that parcel needs to go out soon. I bought one of the books she wanted from the Interweave Press hurt book sale and found 5 other ones for me - all told, with shipping - I might have been able to buy 3 of them at full Canadian price - MIGHT. I am very excited. I picked up Wrap Style, Knitted Babes, Favourite Socks, Knitting on the Road and Knit so Fine. There are lots of patterns in my head.
For some totally amazing pictures - of a man's patience and the beauty of nature, go here. Isn't that awesome?
Renovation shopping is happening today and some work needs to be done too. We have a Civic Holiday on Monday and Tuesday is Stitch n Pitch in Toronto, so I have four day weekend. Hurray.
I think that's it for now - need to go stand up cause sitting on concrete pool decks is not healthy. Nuff said.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
From FO to WIP
I had 6 FOs to show off - blocked and all. But now I have 5.
I am too sad to show the 5 that are fine (and I did forget a picture of one).
Because my lovely scarf is once again a WIP. My little gurl and my nephew - the oldest brother to little Brianna - had scissors and for some reason selected my lovely scarf to clip a little whole in. I was pretty calm. It's just over two rows in moss stitch - it will invisible seam up and yay - the scarf was almost dry from it's blocking.
Last night at knit night, Charles helped me reskein the 3 pattern repeats and edge that I had knit. It was over 3 rows. 3 measly rows and only 6 stitches affected, but after a half hour of trying, I asked for a vote. Consensus was to frog. And I did. The yarn needs a good soak and then weighing before reknitting it as it is quite kinky.
Now I know why I never finish anything.
On the plus side - I finished a lovely matching head wrap for the scarf (except button and blocking).
I have not bought new yarn for at least a month. I didn't renew my Lucky Lurker's club (that really hurt) and I am not ordering any more of Robyn's sock clubs.
I still get yarn though. The last lucky lurker and plucky knitter clubs came in and I have the Tsock Flock and Scout's Swag which will run until February I believe.
I am enjoying knitting from my stash.
Now if I could get over the pain of a FO turning back into a WIP, I will be fine.
Then I will show yarny and FO-ey goodness.
OH and there is a parcel at the post office for me!!! HURRAY.
Tomorrow, tomorrow....
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Baby ... GURL!!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Wacky Wednesday....
Just a workday Wednesday.
What's happened since Saturday - Cinderella socks are done - ends woven and everything.
Cast on new socks last night. Tsock Flock #2 - it was calling my name.
Ripped out a bathroom (left the sink and toilet, but not much else).
Laundry, vacuuming, dishes and cooking done in some shape or form. Kitchen semi cleaned. Toilet cleaned.
Sick day - allergies with an edge of a cold.
Parenting, working, friending, sleeping, eating and drinking.
No knit night as friends came over to discuss the renovation issues and help with the plotting and planning.
Only 2 more days of work left....
going to bed now. Tired.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Childless Saturday...
Megan went with Norah and her Dad today. She has been begging for awhile, but D#2 never responded quite in a positive manner. He did last weekend and we sort of planned it - and it happened today.
What will I do with myself?
Clean kitchen and bathroom
Mow Lawn - likely not as stinkin humid and not wanting to make self sick (did that a little on Tuesday and last Sunday)
Shop for - water, swimmers, nail clippers - there are 2 in this house...somewhere, bras - why is it just when they fit oh so nice, they wear out.
Garbage clean up
Vacuum car
Where am I on this list?
1 load of laundry washed
1 sink of dishes washed
paper recycling and boxes for moving friend outside
front flower bed weeded while waiting for D#2 to arrive and waterlogged tomato repotted.
I have 8 tomato plants, 4 basil plants and a half barrel of pea plants.
Nothing to compete with Finny or Robyn, but my yard needs some big machinery to help it out.
And then next year.... (or the year after that or ....)
On the knitting front, I have located all my WIP's in the living room - lots of light for the seams, and readily available. Currently I am working on sock #2 of the cinderella socks for Norah that were supposed to be for Megan(fingering weight on size 2.0). I worked the toe last night and coming up the sole - about halfway.
In the stack of WIP's are:
Firebird Socks - just need to add the embroidery
Guinevere - halfway through clue 7 (still) and # 8 yet
Moeibus scarf - a seam away from completion
Dashing - one and a bit to go
Savannah/Charleston - uhm I finished the first 6 rows
Monica - seams and straps (deseamed as hated how it looked)
Norah's baby afghan and sweater - afghan needs likely another ball and sweater - imagine that, some seams
Lizard Ridge - this is a true WIP as I will knit it when I feel like it and it does not cause me stress by being undone
Socks - to the heel on one, but doesn't appear to fit. Probably will be frogged.
Electrical Queen - crochet and a travel with me project - coming out to narrow but looks so cool
Couvercle - for Norah out of stash yarn - the knitting is done, just need to crochet the brim
Norah's Crown - I think I have 2 points done, but was working in beads this time so....
Fuzzy novelty scarf - I pick it up and knit a few rows every now and then. Lets just say I destashed the rest of this yarn.
Pop Scarf - needs blocking and decorating.
ugh I need to go now and do some of the other things on my 'non hobby list'
Monday, July 7, 2008
Follow-up to Bug
His reply was
Well, unfortunately, this is just the kind of "generic" insect that usually remains a mystery. I can just about guarantee that it merely 'strayed' into your home in error, though. You might try looking at images of: Darkling beetles (family Tenebrionidae, lots and lots of species, with great diversity in shapes and colors, so look carefully) Leaf beetles (family Chrysomelidae, especially genus Timarcha, but lot and lots and LOTS of species). A good website to start with is: http://www.bugguide.net or you could also try my book, the "Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America." I know that sounds self-serving, but seriously, it is a good basic guide that covers a lot of ground, with lots of images. The firm grip you mention leads me to think of leaf beetles in particular, as they need to keep a firm grip on leaves and twigs so they don't get blown off in the wind, or washed away by rain:-) Feel free to get back to me if you can give me more to go on, and we can keep trying. Good luck! Eric R. Eaton
Guess who is going to be super super super super super careful when bringing in laundry from outside.
I am just glad it wasn't something crazy and happy I didn't kill it out of fear.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
I hang my laundry on the line, so the occasional bug in the house is expected. I am pretty calm about dealing with them.
However, when you are chatting on the phone and your gurlz who are watching a video start squealing about something and even though the only light is the TV you can see something large moving, it is kind of freaky.
Especially when you consider there is no door near where the bug came from and he is a little big to just slide through a crack in the screen or something. Plus that is the newly renovated room and...
ugh. I screamed, I jumped and this type of bug has those sticky feet/legs to keep it from being blown away or something. YEUCK...
No, I don't have a picture as it is all I can do not to bundle everything on the floor up and throw it out.
shivers run down the spine. Can't find it on the net anywhere, so I went to this site and asked for some help. I'll let you know what I find out.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
But it was a lovely weekend at my parents - a little chilly but nice. Today was yard and housework time, but that's okay - I was basically tapped out by noon and then we went to a friends and the aforementioned park.
What does Canada mean to me?
It's my home. I think I might enjoy living for a time in other countries (Holland or US being the only two visited) but this is where I was born and have lived my life to date. Biggest advantage to date - our money is coloured so I can figure out what the bill is without actually trying to read the number.
Stephanie and Katie both have some things that I heartily agree with too.
On the knitting side of life - my grasshopper scarf is done. I love it, so soft and cozy (when I say done - in this case the only thing not done is blocking - I even wove in all the ends)
Pictures will arrive eventually.
Monica is seamed (I'll wait while you pick yourself off the ground). At knit night on last Tuesday I was advised to steam block it before seaming. Excellent suggestion and this was done - just like that - on Sunday afternoon at my Mom's while she fixed some clothing. Seriously, just like that. Big gurl tried it on and loves it (mom too) and I just need to knit the straps and sew a couple embellishments on. I am super excited. Of course, I need to find the second skein of yarn as I used the leftover yarn to make crowns. Oh well.
My Moeibus ring is moving up in the world - another couple inches done - I'm going to knit (likely) until the end of the ball or 12 inches more, and then see where I am at - it is long enough to go up and over my head, but then the back of my neck will be bare....
I also used up a ball of stash yarn - Pronto, by Berocco (Gold) a bulky weight cotton/acrylic blend - HELL on the fingers after knitting with wool. I knit 75% of Couvercle for little gurl - but need to either chose another stash yarn as contrast or somehow find another ball (contrast still) to finish the last 4 rounds of the hat and then the trim and brim. Anyone? (I know when did I cast on this hat and why when there are so many things waiting to be finished...super quick knit)
No new yarn bought and currently nothing new started, however the scarf requires a hat and mitts - fingerless I think. There are 28 grams of the fingering weight left - I'm hoping it will be enough for my little hands.
Must go to sleep, cannot cast on anything else tonight....
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Blogger and the whole watching your spending thing
I am going to watch how I spend my money for a while - literally.
I spent NOTHING on Saturday or Sunday.
Monday - there was allergy meds, cooking vanilla and some party mix - $25 or 26 but only $1.50 which was slightly unnecessary (it did keep me from going for fast food - PMS)
Tuesday - $20 at market for fresh fruits, veggies and a bag of dried cherries. $20 for babysitter (in advance for a couple knit nights) and $10 for drink (alcohol) and snack (chocolate peanut butter bar) at knit night. Oh and $35 at Wal-mart for milk, cereal, pjs for little gurl and black camisole for me.
Of the above I feel that it all was necessary - I needed to get out without the gurls and really wanted to go to knit night and Susan's daughter watched mine...
Why watch the money thing - need to fix 2 bathrooms and a kitchen. And a shed, the front porch and the front step.
Need a ladder so I can clean the eaves (and do other things).
I have a feeling the ladder will be the first. The Dishwasher is a pipe dream because i will talk myself out of it.
I know myself.
What are you saving for?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I was strong...
My Plucky Classics Miss Marianne Dashwood in BFL Superwash - fingering weight, 400yds.

My Pumpkin Latte to match my scarf - DK/Worsted 190 yards
All the available chunky weight she had...at 110 yard each
Twitterpated Sensibility (3)

I am due my Scout's Swag next week - confirmation of shipping email received and #2 of the Tsock Flock Club will ship Monday. Maybe tomorrow I will try to finish rnd #1.
I think I was supposed to finish Guinevere this month too.... and my scarf is getting there, some frogging as I knit going on as plan A didn't work and on to plan B.
So no yarn bought this week. HURRAY.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
One package in

Monday, June 16, 2008
What Have I been up to?
I did some stupid shopping - when you buy something you're not quite sure about and then can't take it back because it was from a person/yard sale and you have it and spent money on it and...
To punish myself, I am not permitted to buy more yarn. This will be aided by the fact that Robyn's Nest sock club is on vacation and I will try very very very hard not to rejoin the Lucky Lurker club (unless I design a fabulous pattern and win a free membership). The Tsock Flock is already paid for the year. That only leaves the Plucky Knitter Classics club and this one is up for debate- it is a subscription, so I won't even notice (ha ha) but my mail takes forever and ever and ever to arrive.
I destashed some yarn at WWKIP on Saturday. Friday night i bagged up some stuff that I will never use because
a) it is 100% cotton and I can't knit with it (I can with some)
b) I hate knitting with the funky bumpiness of it,
c) because it tangled so badly I never want to see it again
d) someone may have a use for it.
The badly tangled sock yarn went to a lovely knitter named Jennifer who was knitting a pair of gorgeous socks out of Value Village Recycled Sweater yarn. I couldn't help it - I hate that yarn because it tangled so badly on me - it was half pull balled and then there was the tangle. She was very appreciative. The majority went to Karen (bankerknits) on ravelry who knits for charity. I can't keep up with the projects for my own kids, someone else can use it for good.
I only came home with the two balls that were in our lovely grab bag - one will become a hat for big gurl and the other, will either turn into something very Christmasy or just go into a new charity yarn bag.
I had fun - didn't arrive at Rose's until 1:00 pm but then stayed until almost 3:30 so all was great.
Sunday was Father's Day and after some hemming and hawing, we were there by a little after 2:00. And then promptly went shopping for baby bottles for little Tymon, cause my bro and SIL brought everything except the bottle (liners even). The package was on sale at Shopper's so all was well. I got some baby time, knitting time and all around good family time. The gurls loved it - they were in their bathing suits within 10 minutes of getting to the house and just played all day (the mosquitoes loved it too).
It has rained everyday and night since I was last on - not straight mind you, but lots of rain. That's not a problem in itself except that the wind is there along with the occasional hail and of course thunder and lightning. Generally don't mind, but when you are woken from an awesome sleep to crazy storm (thankful we sleep in basement) which has the chimney leaking water right onto the hot water heater pipe (think tin and big steady drops) you are still tired.
This week is Public Service week - today was bbq and awards. Tomorrow is give blood day - better go drink a litre or two of water for hydration. It's a nice appreciation time.
Big gurl had her dentist appointment today - no cavities but one loose tooth that is a little stuck - behind the new tooth - some major wiggling going on or it will be 'dentist removal'. She is a wimp - crying about it already even though we have a week. She is a wimp about anything like that.
Little gurl on the other hand - loved her first tooth counting today. Yesterday, just before we left my parents, I changed her diaper and noticed something on her foot. It was in her foot - thorn or something, so Opa came to check it out. Imagine an 1/8th of an inch to a 1/4 inch long pointed thing stuck in foot - created a groove even. The child didn't even freak out. And then we found two more - she cried at the third because it was actually point in. Big gurl ran away at the sight. Kids can be so different.
My daily funny (at the expense of big gurl's head).
They have 2 'magic princess wands'. One will make music if you wave it around the room (but doesn't actually do the dishes or anything darn it). So big gurl shows little gurl how to do it and little one gets into.
I say - careful gurls, move away from each other so no one gets hit in the head.
I don't think it was 5 seconds - clunk, and tears. Big gurl has a lovely bruise on her forehead.
ahh, the power of a mom - just by saying it we make it happen.
Off to finish the 3rd pattern repeat in my scarf, before bed.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Stupid Cleaning
I mean that I am going about it stupidly.
I will take a couple pics and get back to you.
Okay here goes:

This first picture is of the room that used to be my bedroom. Yarn stash is in various locations in this room yet. Let's estimate that 1/3rd of the gurlz toys have made their way to this room. This will be the playroom/TV room (if I have my way). My organizing side is sorting said toys into their respective bins. The wire basket system in the corner used to house the smaller items of my wardrobe (please note its emptiness for the pictures below). This room is not in too bad shape considering there was a big bed in here.

This photo is of the crafting corner that has been sadly piled of late.
I'm trying to decide if I brave the room or just sleep on the couch tonight. Decisions, decisions.
Of course, if I had cleaned wisely - move everything out of the dresser so that the socks could go in immediately (hamper on the floor) and the ..... I'll get it done one of these days.
Only bills in the mail today - oh where has my yarny mail gone too?
Monday, June 9, 2008
It wasn't just the Caffeine
So I am half-caf ing my coffee. Worked today. And working on the stress management/sleeping more issues. No I didn't drug the little one so she sleeps longer. It's a thought though...
My awesome parents came over on Sunday and helped around the house.
Short list:
1. The second clothes line so I can actually dry my regular weekly laundry.
2. Vinyl tablecloth on old table on porch - and stabilized a little
3. The billion maple tree keys all over everything.
4. The dead shed - cleaned out and measure up for work this coming weekend (if the weather permits)
5. Bed in the basement room - less noise from tenant (who I have forgiven for the ceiling issue and am not quite so stressed with - cause she hasn't been sleeping here lately and took a trunk full of rocks -from my front lawn - away)
6. Trim on one wall in basement bedroom and the panel covering the stupid water meter/shut off has been trimmed to fit properly. Thinking of using some of the vinyl to make a pretty cover...
7. Two lovely planters with tomato plants and herbs - guess what they are honey, but that's okay.
8. Dad mowed the lawn and since my reel mower was acting up, fixed that too.
9. Smoke detector installed.
10. curtain of sorts over gurls doorway (never was a door - more figuring required but it is a start)
11. Window AC installed
12. The nightmare 'collect all' desk cleared off and organized.
13. The last of the stupid tupperware dishes cleaned up - here I am trying to save the environment, but the stupid things need to be washed...
...and they didn't say anything about the excessive amount of yarn in my non-room and not much about the huge number of toys owned by the gurlz.
It is stinking hot here. I can say that cause I love spring and fall and don't complain much if it rains alot and really the only time I complain about the cold is when I can't get the house warm or am sick...
Anyone know the secret to making a 2 year 8 month year old behave, or just mind her mother occasionally?
Oh and getting a 7 years, 1 month year old to get out of bed and speed through the morning necessities..?
I want mail. It would cheer me immensely right now. Could someone send me some mail?
I knitted a few more rows of the scarf. Really need to clean the bedroom/craft room back up so I can move the stuff from upstairs downstairs - maybe even put some clothes in my bedroom.
I think I will go to sleep now.
There is always tomorrow.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
I am no longer a caffeine drinker
So I bought decaf coffee today. Just plan old Maxwells, until I have time to research and find the good stuff. And by no longer being a caffeine drinker, it doesn't mean never, it just means limited and no more pop and cola and perhaps reduced chocolate consumption and well, definitely reduced dark roast full bodied caffeinated coffee.
It freakin sucks. I love my dark roast coffee. But I had no twitchies until the end of Thursday - and I just had tea (can't quit cold turkey).
Of course, the extra sleep really helps too.
On the knitting front i frogged two items:
The cardi/shrug that ran out of yarn. So I have two skeins of blue sky alpaca dyed cotton in espresso to admire. Now that's an idea - only buy yarn in coffee hues...
Tymon's bootee is no more - I was trying to make an armored bootee by using yarn that was too thick.
My Pumpkin Latte Grasshopper scarf is about halfway - I am working two halves separately and will join them in the middle.
The laundry was done - for 5 minutes. Then I stripped the beds and it started all over again.
To sleep, perchance to dream - provided the temperature in the house drops below 81 degrees (in winter it hovers around 69).
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Darn it.
I called the optometrist office today - they recommended i reduce my caffeine intake, get lots of sleep and eliminate stress. Huh.
We are not going to discuss the fact that the computer program I have to use to do my job kicked me out on 4 separate occasions today and made me wait more than 5 minutes on at least 4 other occasions, just to 'update' the legal representative I wanted - I COULD HAVE TYPED IT FASTER!!!!!!!!!!
What about the ceiling in your living room Sharon, are you going to discuss that - the 3 month old ceiling that was already the reason the renovations took 2 or 3 more weeks than they should have????? I think I may have mentioned the drywall screw popping and making a perfect circle. That is not my issue today.
No my issues are the 2-2 foot long wet strips running where I'm guessing the seams are. As you may know I have a tenant and tonight she was louder than normal - things falling etcetera...(which has been rather loud lately and interfering with my sleep recently and...see the above mentioned more sleep issue). So I phoned her just to check that everything was okay and she said they were just moving stuff around because her friend was picking up the aquarium and oh by the way, your ceiling isn't wet is it? I turn my head, confident that my new ceiling is definitely not wet. Oh it is. I took pictures but I just can't bear it. And of course since I was looking anyways, I also got a chance to see the crack in the ceiling - one of the most stressed parts - but SERIOUSLY IT has only been 3 MONTHS!!!!!!
So my stress factor has increased instead of decreased.
And all I can say is Darn it.
On the plus side I picked up some lovely yarn from The Plucky Knitter's etsy shop. I had notice the other day that she had Pumpkin Latte in Worsted weight - perfect to make a Koolhaas to match my scarf (and possible gloves) out of my fingering weight - previous post includes a pic.
And then I bought some other yarns of hers that I wanted. That really helped de-stress me earlier.
This afternoon - since the computer was driving my crazy anyways - I left work early to look at some clothes. I found 2 pairs of pants for the summer (office is freezing no matter what the temperature inside...) Cotton Ginny - so they will be cooler.
I am so .... blah right now - there is nothing I can do about my ceiling so there is no sense getting upset. But I kind of want to cry. And smash a ceiling. Good thing I don't keep much alcohol in the house. I think I will go see what else I can buy tonight....
Monday, June 2, 2008
happy 1st Monday of June
I figure I will call the optometrist first - it has only been a year since the last exam, but maybe the eye is working too hard. I've had some recommendations. Less C**ff****. Like hello - I consume the stuff (usually) before 8:00 am - unless it's a stressful day - then I have some more.
Thing is, I don't drink coffee for the caffeine. I really enjoy my coffee. Decaf coffee doesn't come in as rich flavours and variety that I like. I may have to switch again - did it for awhile, but then needed the caffeine for a boost and well you get used to it.
Less stress. Uhm - I think I will bring the gurls along (of course when meeting people for the first time they are perfect...) suggest they try talking to father #2 for a bit, find a way to make #1 pay support, and well that's a start right...
on the Knitting side of things...I finished some socks - except for the embroidery. That requires a non twitchy eye, patience filled, childless time. It will occur (Ihope).
Here they are:
Here is my current scarf in progress (another pattern repeat finished since then)

And my baby sis with her afghan...

Thursday, May 29, 2008
A few little things...
ok that did not work. I will find it...
It is Make-Believe Crowns, design by Nicholette Hoyer. However I can't get the link to work. I'm not sure if it is no longer free...
However Nicholette's new store looks awesome...
I am 3 rows and a shut/bind hem from finishing the knitting of my firebirds.
My scarf, knit in Plucky Knitter, Pumpkin Latte, 100% worsted fingering (label is elsewhere - imagine Malabrigo in fingering weight - drool). As my yarn is finer than her pattern calls for, I worked 19 rows of seed stitch (half of a pattern repeat) cause that worked for me and am now on row 5 of the first pattern repeat. I am knitting it on 2.75 mm (cast on 3.0 mm) - those casein ones with pretty leopard style print or whatever. That is my before sleep knitting.
Sis LOVED her afghan. Picture will be posted but far too much trouble right now.
We both loved our - relaxation massage and facial, followed by spa pedicure/manicure. Very nice and relaxing day.
I know, I know - snuck that scarf in when I have
1) ss i (Guinevere) 2) ss ii (Savannah) 3) socks for little gurl 4) afghan for some baby with matching sweater 5) lizard ridge 6) cardi/shrug for me 7) other socks 8) moeibus headscarf 9) pop scarf (just blocking and decorating) 10) squatty sidekick (decorating and lining) 11) wedding cross stitch begun some 12 years ago 12) quilt for big gurl 13)Make-Believe crown for little gurl 14)Saartje booties (blocking/decorating)
I know there are more. Go Here for more
But the wool it called me and I have been planning on casting that on since the whole detangling debacle.
Do you know how to pronounce 'picot'?
I said it like it is SPELT(to me) - same as picket. My mother told me off (as she often does when I mispronounce something). It is pronounced peek-oh. Stupid. Why didn't they spell it that way then.....
Here are a few observations made in the last 36 hours...
so... according to one slightly 'anxious' source, the St. Catharines TSO was locked up tighter than a **** at 1:00ish this afternoon. Of course then proceeded to put important mail in 'your mailbox' out front. Hmmm I wonder what building he actually was at - it was the non-operational side door and he put the 'mail' in the CANADA POST box (red) and not the CRA box (grey and labelled CRA). They will likely not be getting what they want tomorrow. He is a l*wy*r - nuff said.
It takes about 35 days to get to St. Catharines from Fort Erie, if one first takes the 'mail route' to Ottawa and then eventually finds your way to the desk of the necessary person. Most people believe the trip is generally a 35 minute drive.
Wheelbarrows are essential components of every good house and should therefore be added to the property ACB and deductible for tax purposes.
Heard last evening from distraught 7 year old "I can't sleep because I keep seeing the word in my head that was on the wall at school". Calm mother, "What is the word honey?" Increasingly distraught child, "I don't knowwwwww." Mother, "Well can you spell it for me?" obviously thinking that child cannot pronounce word and therefore spelling it would help
Child, "I don't know". Stymied mother, "But... I... Picks up children's night time story and reads it to child. Prays that God will take word out of child's head so she can sleep. Goes upstairs and guzzles water. Contemplates alcohol in fridge.
Same child earlier in the evening "well you have 11 pairs of shoes and I only have 10 so I need more". because 2.5 year old received new pair of shoes - she only has 3 that fit her right now.
Welcome to my life. Thank the Lord that tomorrow is Friday.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Woo Ha FO!!!

And here is the May edition of the Lucky Lurker's Club from a Swell yarn shop.

Another afghan pic

And my beautiful big gurl in her crown.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
An afghan and some socks
uh no.
However my firebirds are on row 70 of the last pattern (goes to 82) and then just the hem and bam a PAIR of socks. Of course this particular pair comes with some additional embroidery detail required... but one day. I knit them two at a time on one circ. (except for the heels).
Sis arrives tomorrow. I plan on getting that afghan done - seamed, edged and blocked before she comes over on the 27th. Sounds like a good project for tomorrow night.
I have that cold - the one that my coffee swap pal in the UK had and my hot cocoa pal in Portugal had and a couple of others too.
Stupid cold weather- MARCH was warmer than May is proving to be...
Hopefully June will warm us up...
Monday, May 12, 2008
Monday, Sunday, oneday...

Working on figuring out some life changes now...somethings got to give and I would rather it not be my sanity so I think I'm going to have to work on it.
My yarn from Plucky Knitter's Classics arrived. Lovely smooshy blue goodness. With some lovely fibrewash. And also my pretty yarn art cards. Figuring out what wall they are going on...
On the knitting front - Sis's afghan is 1 and 2/3 blocks (and some seams and edging) away from completion. Which is good as she will be here next Thursday and for once I want to finish something in a reasonable time. Of course little Tymon needs some booties and possibly a blankie. So booties have been started... And my firebird is coming along...
Anyone want a job as my housekeeper, nanny and well could you go to the office for me first....
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
A little bit of this and that. (2)
The laundry is all washed (except for today's kids wear). There is a lot of pink in our closets and also blues. Interesting.
The yard is cleared of last falls leaves and the grass is mowed and the planters with dead plants in them have been emptied and the dirt is waiting some new activity.
There are only two blocks left in sis's afghan - and already I was thinking what next - there is my silk garden one though (whatever the flippin name is).
It's not that there are no projects on my needles. I have two FOs (one gift and one for big gurl), about 5 almost FOs (buttons and blocking required), 6 UFOs (not being worked on and likely not for a while) and aside from the afghan, 4 projects that are worked on here and there.
One is my Firebird socks from the Tsock Flock Club. I am doing them 2 at a time on circular needle and things are going well. As it is a 2.0 mm needle, progress seems slow, but I have finished the toes and the first angled feather pattern repeat. There is also the baby blanket I cast on for on Monday night - for the newest nephew - Tymon Shawn. He was born at 1:30 in the morning on May 5, 2008 - great delivery as they didn't have time to go to hospital and were resting peacefully when proud Dad called to deliver the news. The gurls are greatly outnumbered - 7 to 3 for the boys. And one more due in July - unknown sex.
I'm going to sleep now as I'm tired and the little gurl gets up at some unknown hour and crawls in with me and then I get little sleep after that.
Oh - new DVD/VCR player purchased today as last one was a loaner and it told me I was BAD. not sure what was wrong, but needed one with a remote anyways. Hooked it up and it worked properly the 3rd time I tried...
Good night
Thursday, May 1, 2008
happy MAY day (mayday mayday)
tee hee.

With Piglet at the character lunch at the Crystal Palace in the Magic Kingdom - totally awesome food and we saw Piglet, Pooh, Tigger and Eeyore.
The Palace with one of the performances. My flickr stream has prettier pictures (I think THIS is the link). Many other photos were taken by Nana and Pop-pop - they are sending a disc and updates will be posted after that.
re previous post on Wal-Mart yarn It is not that I don't like Wal-Mart, but I felt it was not the place to obtain vacation yarn - special treat for me. I'm thinking of picking up these cards instead. Or perhaps the yarn to make this?Of course I could just stash dig or make something with this:
Scout's Swag in Rowing Home, inspired by Winslow Hormer, 100% superwash merino. I love the pink/grey combo, but am unsure how the yellow will turn out. Thinking of knitting it up to see...
And finally, my beautiful little gurl, at her quietest... asleep on Pop-pop.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Home Again, Home Again, Jiggedy jig jig
We are home - tired and lightly tanned (perfect for redheadz). There is laundry to do and all that stuff, but I have read my blogs and now to hang up the laundry (for tomorrow as it is much colder here than there).
Pictures and all that jazz will arrive as soon as I can.
NO YARN BOUGHT FOR ME - only option was WAL-MART and not getting any more of that right now.
I got my Scout's Swag though.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
If only my children were perfect and didn't mouth off and....
Have a great week everyone and I know Florida will never be the same.
The REDHEADZ are coming - look out below!!!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Spring Fling Swap Topic and LIFE
It was in college, and it was for the espresso, not so much the straight coffee. I remember first year, actually writing an article for the school paper on the 'coffee ...' and bemoaning the fact that one must bring their own hot chocolate/tea to these things. My Dad drinks a lot of coffee. I love the aroma.
On that topic - yesterday I followed my nose from the emergency ward of the hospital to the coffee shop at the front. It was 7:30 am and I was in my PJs and a hoodie at the hospital with no knitting and praying that the little one would get better. The coffee was not as good as I wanted and probably should have had a danish or something too. The little one is discharged now, after 27 hours in the hospital - initiated by an hour long febrile seizure (woke me at 5:30ish am). We were at the hospital by like 6:05 am - delayed only by me finding someplace for the big gurl who was sort of sleep walking. Thank you Tammy. Those EMS guys are amazing (and a couple really hot looking) and my big gurl is such a grown up sometimes.
A cheery package arrived - the Firebird Tsock Flock package - I am going to enjoy knitting this and the only reason it didn't get started in the wee hours of the morning is that the knitting needles were at home and I was not. (and currently not started as I still have some UFOs and WIPs to complete - Sis's afghan was only delayed due to me running out of yarn.
And on Tuesday night I thought little temperatures and a bit of throw up was a problem (been thrown up on 3 times since then and temperatures were in 39.9 range...)
I need to sleep now, but we are just fighting nasty colds and lack of sleep (and Mum's horrid fear that it will happen again). My Mom is here helping out and making sure we get our rest.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Seaming on...
Unfortunately we have had a throw up detour and two little gurls are running temperatures. And my tummy hurts.
So I have a feeling it will be curl up on the couch with videos and 'seams' tomorrow.
And find the finishing buttons for the two seamed projects.
If all goes well, pictures by Thursday night!!!!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Sunday - a time to PRESS ON
I know I don't focus much on the biblical and Christian side of my life, but that is partly because I am in a 'coasting' period. However got a little wake up today from the pastor this morning. He said - you can't coast uphill. Deep trouble there - woah. He is right and I need to work on the pressing forward - he showed a clip from a Christian video - Fighting Giants (I think that is the title) and the one line really hit home. Attitude is the Aroma of the Heart. Wow. So I am going to work on my attitude and my coasting - maybe start some pedalling up that hill so I can reach the top. Press forward and onward instead of 'resting in place'. Believe me, treading water on your own is really tiring. I'm working really hard on trusting God to help me do these things.
On the knitting front, Monica now has two ruffles and is waiting a blocking, then seaming and then I plan to do the straps - that way I can try it on big gurl. Here is a pic of the front and back.

I'm sorry about the not quite clearness, but that is just the way the camera and the computer cooperate. I find it amazing how finishing one ruffle inspired me to complete the second in one day. I think it may have taken me a total of 3 hours. Now, to get inspired to do the seaming. I HATE SEAMING.
The next two pictures are of the afghan for sis. The first is the 2 completed panels. they are folded in half and resting on a standard size pillowcase. Some sweet amount of knitting there. The second is the 3rd panel in progress - 2 of 9 pattern repeats into the second of the four blocks. I think Monica will be in the sidelines awaiting seaming for a little. Anyone want to come for a visit and seam her up?

Saturday, April 12, 2008
A little bit of this and that.
He and my big gurl are very similar, yet being the opposite sex have their differences. Then there is D - at 4. He has always been a terror and was a lot of trouble for his parents. A pretty nice kid all around, but always on the lookout for trouble - just like my little gurl. I mean I watch him and know that I am going to get it from her. And there little guy - just 2, is half a year younger than little gurl and there are similarities due to age, yet he has his own stuff going on. In our family it has been determined (by reviewing 4 families of at least 2 children) : the oldest ones make you want another. The 2nd one drives you crazy and (as 2 of the SIL's are expecting the 3rd and I am not helping round out the numbers this time around) the 3rd one just takes over.
In reference to the above 'baby' statement, the babies in our family have arrived in '3'. We have a 9, 7.75 and almost 7 year old (1999, 2000, 2001) and then three 4 year olds (1 -03, 2-04) and then three 2 year olds (2-05, 1-06). When Barb & Rodger announced their pregnancy, we naturally looked at David & Lisa for the 2nd in that group and then everyone looked at me (my sister is too far away to look at). I said no way. I have to make it through April in order to ensure there is not a set of 3 in 2008 (unless little sis drops a surprise on us in May when she comes down). Therefore the MAN DIET is still on. Because seriously, with my batting average on this, they will kiss me and wham I will be pregnant. I don't care if it is scientifically impossible. My track record is not good. I have 2 children and I have been involved with 2 men on 2 separate occasions in the last 8 years. That threw me a little - 8 years. Big gurl is turning 7 on April 29th and that is some time ago now. 7 years ago today - I had just started mat leave, and it was Easter weekend. Huh, how time flies.
I'm thinking that rather than food dieting, I will do one of those cleanse things. Get the toxins out and lighten some of the 'dead weight'. I'm going to Florida on the 23rd and I don't know if my summer clothes fit (one pair of capris, 2 skirts and 3 shirts do fit though as they have been acquired since). Maybe tomorrow I should look into that.
Last night, I needed to ball the 7th skein of yarn for the sis's blanket. I figured I might as well do up the skein of Pumpkin Latte from the Plucky Knitter for my Grasshopper scarf while I was at it. Perhaps not such a good idea as no knitting was done last night and I finally completed the 4th ball this morning at 9:00 am. It took me about 4 hours to do 440 yards. And all because i dropped one little piece and then... And you know it was a big tangle if I cut the yarn. I hate cutting yarn. There was one knot - just before the tangle arrived and that naturally made me 2 balls. But I ended up cutting it twice more. lovely yarn - same as the Malabrigo except fingering weight. LOVE the feel of it. (i only have a ball winder and sometimes I screw up that one little strand...)
Monica is almost ready for the first ruffle to join the body. One purl and one decrease row yet (I think). I also added some of my stash yarn in to ravelry. It is sad to see as i know I have hardly touched the sock yarn...Must go now to put pictures with my yarn.
Oh don't forget to contribute to ravelraiser - lets help keep it going.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
The Whole DIET thing
the food diet, the yarn diet, the project diet, the shopping diet, the spending money diet, the friend diet, the ....
about the only diet I'm not in the mood to quit at this time is the MAN diet.
I do have an interesting 'standing' offer that I'm not sure how to 'take' but that one has been in the I'm really curious and just one little kiss can't hurt can it? thought process for some time now. still not really tempted to quit my Man diet though.
therefore, I will not make anymore rash promises I cannot keep. but i will try to be in control of something, so ...
... I will continue to make my own coffee my way.
Spring Fling Topic 2
not really - I want to finish up a variety of WIPs and UFOs, but I did cast on Monica (tank top from knitty) for my daughter that has been queued for at least 9 months.
Have you put away the hats, scarfs and mittens, and brought out the cute tank top sweater projects and lacy wraps?
yes - the winter clothes are away, but I am knitting whatever suits my fancy and it appears it may be socks.
Have you changed yarn to something more lighter and cooler, not so heavy and bulky?
what I am buying is lighter weight as there is so much lovely summery stuff out there.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
A week between blogs...
I am already off the yarn wagon. Mel's fault as she wanted me to meet her at Kismet and I wanted some solid yarn for these, so off I went. Found some needles, yarn for the socks and then some other just cause I loved the colour. That was last week though. So far it is Tuesday night and I haven't fallen off the wagon for this week. But have you seen this yarn or this or....
Knitting has been accomplished. I have 8 completed blocks on sis's afghan and the 9th is almost done (like 8 rows from completion). However I was working on Monica the other day and realized that it was time to start the ruffle and then the afghan was pushed aside.
I want to cast on for this. Isn't it gorgeous? I'm thinking a nice solid blue or green for my Mom for mother's day.
And there are rumours that my Tsock Flock Club is sending the Firebird out. That would be really sweet as this pattern looks fun and challenging. (and what's one more project on the needles). So I have acquired 500 yards of sock yarn and knit up NONE. I believe I may be failing in my SSEC and will have to buckle down and make two or three scarves. (they would each use a skein and then I would be down 800 or so and...
Wishful thinking on my part I think.
Happy Tuesday.
edited to correct Mel's link as well that wasn't her
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Spring Fling Topic
Chris C - she has a gorgeous WICKED - in my favourite yarn of (the moment) She likes the mellow roast better than the bold, but very close to my likes.
Katie B - my first swap spoiler ever and we love the same coffee.
I have just finished strip 2 of 4 on my sister's Malabrigo afghan - pattern based on this. I have 10 skeins of Emerald Blue and have used just under 5. That means I might have a little left over for Koolhaas 2. (mindless knitting is Monica from Knitty)
Re: Previous post on coffee
will try to find the right link.
Here it is http://www.coffeeresearch.org/coffee/roasting.htm
love coffee. wish not so sensitive to caffeine. want a cup now. will make hot milk and play pretend...
Monday, March 31, 2008
They Roast the beans or cherries...
in a need a break from data entry all day moment I googled 'coffee cement'. interesting read. explains a little bit.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
A new week has begun
It was a busy weekend - bathing suit shopping will kill anyone, and add two children into the mix, it's lucky there was a Second Cup coffee shop around.
I went to the coffee store to exchange my concrete coffee for a more palatable one. I opted out of the Maple Harvest as she couldn't say for sure that it wasn't the same batch. Plenty on the shelves. There was a lovely Vanilla Hazelnut, which was fresh ground that morning, so I chose it. Interestingly enough, she stated it likely wasn't concrete/cement as they figure it is chunks of the ceiling from the roaster's building. As someone with new drywall ceilings in some rooms, I know what those old ceilings have in them and that is not something you want to say to a coffee lover. My coffee this morning was lovely, but I'm not certain I will shop there again (at $6 for 8 oz, I'm not wanting anything but the best coffee thank you).
I lied in my last post. I forgot one of my sock clubs. Funny that, it was really bothering me that I felt I had forgotten something. I won a place in a sock club that has interested my for some time. Scout's Swag Sock Club. I knew more money had left my account than I remembered. Now granted, i joined the Flock Sock back in February, so that doesn't really count (or does it).
Anyways, I am a member of the Sock Stash Elimination Campaign, so I need to start using some of this sock yarn. The problem is that I have a number of projects on the needles - only 2 of which are sock weight yarn.
They are: (in order of priority)
1. Sis's afghan - Malabrigo (10 skeins at 216 yds per.... just balled skein 6) 7 of 16 blocks done
2. Monica - BS Cotton Fleece - have 4 skeins of this - front tank part is done, back is half. Each from their own skein as hate weaving extra ends (and have two...) currently my mindless knitting time project as have screwed up #1 too many times when trying to multitask.
3. Pop scarf - ends to weave in, block and add decoration
4. Squatty sidekick - knitted and felted, need to needle felt a design, cut and sew the lining and add the button.
5. Briggs & Little Tuffy Socks -(forgot about these) helping Mel learn sock knitting so cast these on 2 weeks ago. First sock is like an inch from heel. Top down, Paton's textured & trimmed socks (2 colours)
6. Cinderella sockettes - little gurl - this is out of sock yarn - skinny duet to be exact and is the second pair from this 'duo' skein. one is done, 2nd is about a 1/4 of the way
7. Saartje booties - same yarn as above - JUST NEEDS SEAMING
8. Guinevere - I have less than half of clue 7 and 8 to do yet. And they involve decreasing.
9. Dashing - one is almost done, 2 not even started...
10. Baby afghan - it was for the little gurl. About one skein left to do.
11. Matching baby sweater - just needs seaming (sense a trend here
12. Cropped sweater - BSA dyed cotton, out of yarn and still deciding....will likely frog.
13. Moeibus head scarf - over halfway. Just need some mindless knitting time not occupied with Monica.
14. Opal (i think) Mom's Second sock - don't like what I did with the first, don't want to repeat, but the yarn won't frog. Thinking it makes a great stocking and will use the remaining yarn for something else.
15. Sis's scarf - one of these days. Out of Carmen I think and just not so nice to work with after Malabrigo.
16. Savannah (sotsii) - 6 rows in is still 6 rows in...
... and I still have to block my Koolhaas.
My fingers are just itching to cast on some little finger gloves for me.
So am I going to make any stupid non yarn promises for next month? No, but I am going to try to finish at least 5 of the above items before I cast something else on. And, except for renewing my Robyn's Nest Club for May (I know when I am beat - but she has Noro Sock yarn and I am resisting that!!!!!) I am going to do my best to only buy yarn when I am on vacation in Florida and when I am shopping for coffee swap pal.
In order to help me in this endeavor, I sincerely wish that all the people whose blogs i peruse will not post any new cute projects or yarns. That way I will be happy with my stuff and not want to make these or this or....
I mean it's not like I don't have boxes of patterns and stuff, plus unlimited web options already.
Have a good week if I forget to post later...
and of course there is always the Firestarters. Does casting these on after frogging count as a WIP or a new item?