My Plucky Classics Miss Marianne Dashwood in BFL Superwash - fingering weight, 400yds.

My Pumpkin Latte to match my scarf - DK/Worsted 190 yards
All the available chunky weight she 110 yard each
Twitterpated Sensibility (3)

I am due my Scout's Swag next week - confirmation of shipping email received and #2 of the Tsock Flock Club will ship Monday. Maybe tomorrow I will try to finish rnd #1.
I think I was supposed to finish Guinevere this month too.... and my scarf is getting there, some frogging as I knit going on as plan A didn't work and on to plan B.
So no yarn bought this week. HURRAY.
Good for you for being strong!
oh my, I cancelled my Plucky too - it was a toughie. Thank you for the offer to borrow your Scarfstyle - you know, I think I may have borrowed it to someone, and instead of ripping my house apart anymore - I ordered another one:) I just have to have that book, it's a keeper. And if I find mine, then I have a gift. But thank you!!
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