It's a semi happy day. A little befuddled and confused. My right eye (the good eye to date) has a twitch. Invisible if you are looking for it, but try looking through that eye sometimes. I first really noticed it in March - stress month - and figured once things slow down and life gets a little better and... April was a little better, vacation plans and all that. May has been up and down. This past week has been insane. But I'm not more stressed. I'm just talking about the freakin annoying eye twitch thing. Computer screen does it one minute, knitting the next, just chilling out does it. When I am upset or extra stressed, it also comes. So what to do.
I figure I will call the optometrist first - it has only been a year since the last exam, but maybe the eye is working too hard. I've had some recommendations. Less C**ff****. Like hello - I consume the stuff (usually) before 8:00 am - unless it's a stressful day - then I have some more.
Thing is, I don't drink coffee for the caffeine. I really enjoy my coffee. Decaf coffee doesn't come in as rich flavours and variety that I like. I may have to switch again - did it for awhile, but then needed the caffeine for a boost and well you get used to it.
Less stress. Uhm - I think I will bring the gurls along (of course when meeting people for the first time they are perfect...) suggest they try talking to father #2 for a bit, find a way to make #1 pay support, and well that's a start right...
on the Knitting side of things...I finished some socks - except for the embroidery. That requires a non twitchy eye, patience filled, childless time. It will occur (Ihope).
Here they are:

Tsock Flock Club - Firebird, knit on 2.0 mm 2 at a time circular. Fun pattern and fairly quick knit. They fit nice. One of them kept/acquired 2 extra sts for a time (the right one I think) but they don't look too different and at this point all the stupid ends are woven in. (I am a minimalist when it comes to ends - this one had 2 extra ones due to some small gurl twirling my chair and my yarn in the base - it broke on it's own - knitting was not damaged however).
Here is my current scarf in progress (another pattern repeat finished since then)

This is the Grasshopper Scarf in Plucky Knitter fingering merino (Malabrigo style). I am knitting it on 2 3/4 mm and so far adjusted the pattern to include 19 rows of seed stitch at the beginning. Love the pattern and the knitting is fun.
And my baby sis with her afghan...

She loves it.
My eye twitches when I'm stressed. But, luckily, it doesn't happen very often.
Your sis looks so cute cuddled up in her blankie!
That's some great socks. And great color.
Your sister looks so super comfy with the afghan!
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