Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Suspicious Minded ME

Want to do this and want to do that, but unfortunately have to do housework and have to do laundry and help with the homework.
I have decided that I am entirely too suspicious and my missing yarn is just delayed due to...
  • Accidentally being shipped to Alaska (I've always wanted to go so if some yarn of mine went, it's almost the same right?)
  • Sitting at customs being held hostage because they figured there should be a duty charged as it is worth far more than the listed value.
  • A poor freezing animal/person needed it to eat.

Or what I am really thinking is that someone stole it, figuring that I got three other packages so I will not notice that one is not there. However they did not know that I had already plotted the purpose of the yarn and am very very very impatiently waiting for the mini skein of almost black tabby yarn to create something. nasty yarn thievin' peoples!!!!!

I will be okay. No bills today. just a friendly invitation from Telus to purchase a family plan and get a free phone for the family member. Hello - they are 19 months and 6 what kind of glutton for punishment do you think I am?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

On another train of mind. Also saw THIS !!! Am going to make one in brown or maybe hot pink. I don't know, but I plan on having fun making it!!!! yes yes i know after the gurlz are asleep.

For a fun read go see this blog. Thank you so much Penny for the laughs!!!!!


peaknits said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment - I came over a linked to your "unmentionable man part" and had a serious giggle! Thank you for that too!

YarnThrower said...

Thanks for your nice note on my blog! Glad you had a day with no bills! .... It's the little things in life sometimes, right?!