Wednesday, November 21, 2007


started great.
And then, as i rubbed lotion on my legs, the little gurl comes around the corner with red spitting out of her mouth and sort of choking. She is amazing - can open child proof bottles that give me trouble and decided to have a candy -400mg of ibuprofen or 500 mg of acetaminophen. Take your pick, either will give you intense stress. Happily she spit most of it out and after confirmation from telehealth and poison control that it won't hurt her, I relaxed a little. Of course the lecture from poison control about taking medication out of the original bottles and carrying mixed was not appreciated. Quote: Well that's why you shouldn't mix the pills. For situations like this, you won't know how many were in the bottle and could possible have been taken. Because of course I ask for these things to happen and purposefully give my 2 year old painkillers. And I would know exactly how many pills were in the bottle should this have happened. WHO KNOWS THESE THINGS???? I know my gurl(s) though and they don't eat anything they don't like the taste of, so she only tried one and spit it out.
Decompressed at work and am totally exhausted. Kids are wide awake.
Is is raining by you? It is just soaked out there and keeps coming down. Snow by morning they predict.
Knitting has been slow this week - only 16 more rows to finish hint 4 and the cuff of little gurl's socks are coming along.
Have a happy thanksgiving to my American friends and happy regular work to the rest of you.


Denise Bein Kroll said...

We had snow last night and a flurry this morning. The sun is trying to make an appearance. I haven't seen it in a week so I'm all for that. Forget rooting for Green Bay. I say GO SUN!! :) Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

rain and freezing rain here... but its getting warmer over night so no snow...

since i'm going to be away for a few days - have a GREAT weekend!

Anonymous said...

pardon? i don't know how i psychically missed typing in that is was me - your somewhat spacey not always completely anonymous sp 11 spoiler... ; )

p.s. i've heard the poison control lectures, too. both my kids are still alive!

Ragan Knits etc... said...

No rain here...just windy...although I do miss a little snow now and again. A LITTLE.
Ack...I certainly do not keep count of how many meds are in the they expect you to count them everytime? Geez...if there were a hundred...and I think she ate two...and I took 10 for this headache this is giving me that leaves how many....MAN. Ok, little rant there. I have much going on right now to rant about! Hahah. Have a good weekend and hope that the holiday went well.