I did not know I was becoming a once a week blogger. I have composed posts on my way to work and while cooking dinner or just before nodding off to sleep, but have not posted them. Unusual for me. And a little silly.
What has been going on for the week? Well, on Thursday I made it to work ... just and left an hour later to go home and crawl into bed - I woke up completely some 4 hours later. Since I was so rested, I took the gurlz to the local park where there is a splash pad and pool and swings and slide. They had a picnic supper and I had a nice cup of tea. I knitted on the Duet sock. The little gurl took a header in the wading pool - we had lots of rain and it was a good inch deeper than the last time she was in it, so she couldn't swim/crawl in it. Felt like the worst mother ever, until I realized I was holding her, and I was fully dressed and soaking wet.
The Duet Sock is going pretty well. The ball I was using is out of yarn (due to previous frogging of first pair), so I am going to do the after thought heel now - sort of strange name when I planned well in advance for it. I want to try the heel before I finish the rest just in case things go, well awry. I have a couple references for it and will try.
I completed one of Mom's socks, complete with end weaving in. I started the 2nd on Friday night, but frogged it on Sunday night as there was a pull in the yarn at the cuff and that was not a good thing.
There was little time for knitting this weekend as my Mom came down with two of my nephews, J and R. J is 3.5 years and R is a month younger than little gurl. The four kids played wonderfully together and Mom and I smoothed out the sewer line ridge in the front yard. Sounds like it was easy - well the poor man across the street loaned us a wheel barrow, digging shovel and hard rake to help us out. We also laid a temporary sidewalk so I don't have mud trails through the house. Of course the gurlz still go down the stairs and walk right through the dirt. That took all told, about 4.5 hours on Saturday, then there was grocery shopping and homemade spaghetti sauce - we were house watching for a co worker and she told me to pick the tomatoes. So I did. The sauce was delicious, but runny. I signed on that evening to peruse some blogs and doesn't Finny have the best
recipe? So today I picked up some more tomatoes, garlic (as the previous purchase of such was returned to the store - there's something wrong with some of these products from China), fresh basil, zucchini, peppers and will likely try this recipe ... some day this week. I also baked a quick cake (mix) and iced it up for Sunday with the kids and Mom as it is her birthday tomorrow.
Funny thing about my Mom. She thanked me for having her, when she worked almost all day - little rest. Why - she said she would have lazed around at her home if she didn't. She needed to get away. It was a great weekend - even with diva big gurl prancing around in a princess costume all day Sunday.
Allergy hell is still here, but it may be turning into a slight infection/cold as the boys had colds this weekend and I know the little gurl is fighting it.
2 to 1 odds that we stay home tomorrow.
Last night I put aside everything I wanted to do and tackled the church paperwork. I got through it all before I went to bed about 4 hours. Would have been less if I a) neatly stacked things when I was finished entering them; b) didn't overtype one donation schedule and have a large panic session while I thought I had lost it in the midst of reconciling that month; c) talk on the phone to Mom, Mel and the Chair of Church Council, who happened to be calling about that very thing; d) take an occasional break to surf the web.
Good thing I did - we would have run out of money next month, well out of the day to day account anyways. I will have to remedy that (in my spare time, ya know).
So I went down to bed, but as always after that many numbers, needed to wind down, so I pulled out Monica, which the big gurl has been waiting for since I first saw it. I had a the seed stitch edge, in the round done. I no longer do as it was very loose knit and holey knits are not that attractive on 6 year olds. So it has been frogged and I will have to try a smaller needle - maybe 3.5 mm. Will gauge this one though!
On an aside, I did discover a partial source of my nausea last week. I bought more coffee, the same I had just finished, a lovely dark roast and prepared it as I had the previous pot. The previous coffee was a blend of dark and light, so more grounds could be used. I tempered it on Saturday with 3 as opposed to 4 scoops and now life is okay - provided I don't overdose on painkillers. I had a killer pinched nerve on Thursday so before leaving for work I popped a couple of painkillers. 2. On Saturday afternoon, when the major labour was done, both Mom and I grabbed one, to help prevent that extreme achy muscle stuff the day after a job well done. We grabbed 1, because they were extra strength and it is 1 every 4 or so hours not 2. I had overdosed, hence the long sleep on Thurs, coupled with coffee nausea, possibly a slight bug and of course allergy hell.
I feel like I am talking with a
snubbed node voide. Today was a little better, but I need to take all my drugs to keep going. Picked up some more today - should last me to the end of September.
Well that was about all I have to say. I am also going to get some pictures on for tomorrow. Both FOs and WIPs. Oh and I have to post for SP11 too. yikes, it's like work around here.